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Liverpool ready to open negotiations with Sporting over the signing of Matheus Nunes

Liverpool are said to be ready to open negotiations with Sporting Lisbon over the signing of Matheus Nunes in this summer’s transfer window.

Nunes has emerged on the radar at Anfield as of late with the 23-year-old midfielder earning attention from some of the biggest clubs across Europe following his stellar run of displays in the Sporting shirt.

According to a report from The Daily Express, it is claimed that Liverpool could be willing to dip into the market once again for their fourth recruit of the summer by bringing in one of the hottest properties in European football in Nunes.

The likes of Chelsea and Manchester City have been credited with a strong interest in moving in for the Portugal international maestro who will be seen representing his nation at the FIFA World Cup in Qatar later this year.

Sporting are to hoping to pocket a fee of around £45 million to part ways with their in-demand first-teamer with Liverpool keeping tabs on Nunes ahead of making a formal approach to sign the player and bolster their midfield roster.

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